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Writer's pictureMateusz Górecki

Wrong Departure

Seoul. The sky hung very low overhead. Black clouds promise nothing good. It begins to rain. Raindrops gently bounce off the huge panes of glass separating the normal world from this hermetic place. Irritation mixes very neatly with curiosity. I turn around and sit down again on one of the many identical seats. I am at Incheon Airport, recognized once again as the best airport in the world. I sit down and look at the faces of those thousands of anonymous people walking past me. Suddenly I realize that I enjoy air travel very much, while I hate spending time in airports. Have you ever thought how many things we can beware of just by analyzing the operation of an airport?

1.Rushing. A very good friend of mine recently made me realize that it's better to loosen up a bit, open the valve with the air accumulated inside you, slow down and focus on what is really important to you. On those few moments, things, people, activities that you are passionate about, or may be considered as such in the future. Chill out, start doing what so truly turns you on, drives you to action, makes each of those Krakow(insert your city here) smog-filled days, can finally become brighter. It can come out that beautifully advertised sunshine on my rice waffles and inspire not only you(although selfishness is most appropriate here), but others. Everyone gathered around you. Stop pushing through in a hurry to the next gate, to the next flight, because at some point, when you reflect on yourself, you will see that there are only anonymous faces in your airport!

2.Crowd - A huge number of people pushing through, crowded almost like sardines in an airport can. Start shuffling people, or otherwise filter your circle of acquaintances and pick a few people who support you, motivate you, inspire you, can give you a real kick to finally see what this life is all about. After all, you have a limited amount of time and energy, it's probably better to devote yourself entirely to the people close to you?

3.Hermetic junk food. Everything is served in small, compressed packages. If you like a piece of rubbery beef, or a packet of over-salted chips-this is something for you. Sure, you will say, you can find something healthy, you just have to look for it. Ok-agree. Last year I flew from Poznan "Shoal", you can find there "Bread&Butter"- fresh sandwiches, good coffee, etc., but it is still only a substitute for good and, most importantly, healthy food.

4.Everything disposable. From plastic cups, cutlery, small bottles of alcohol, cameras, jewelry and perfume, to disposable acquaintances. Such an open-use-throw-away formula.

5.False politeness. Rehearsed for months, the sincere golden smile of a flight attendant or airport cafe employee is a sign of genuine affection, isn't it?

6.You are a product, another copy. After all, tomorrow you will no longer be here, the airport sees you as a powerless transient cog in its machine. You can always be replaced by the next one.

7.Procedures. Every airport operates according to a well-defined scheme, a certain matrix, a pattern. Here there is no room for ad hoc action, for introducing your invention. Either you adapt, or you have nothing to look for here.

8.Sterility. You never get the feeling that you are a nice guest at the airport. Nowhere is there a cordial atmosphere and a big sign: "welcome back mr. górecki".

9.Cemetery. Airport employees have the same level of fun as gravediggers. Strictly defined procedures, any personal expression is out.

10.Identity. Everyone is treated in one predetermined way. Ticket, go through the gate, get packed on the plane. "Next, please!"

11.There are plenty of bad things that can happen to you. From losing your luggage to flight cancellation. You are unlikely to count on pleasures.

It's time to take your lifetime boarding pass and divert your flight.


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