Date a boy who values life experience and passion more than the toys offered to him by corporate cash.
Date a boy who, instead of a gold watch, wears a knitted wristband on his hand.
Date a boy in whom fear appears in his eyes at the words you say: "all-inclusive", "2 weeks of organized hotel stay" and "frying all day on the beach".
Date a boy who travels because he has a multitude of ideas in his head, and is looking for a way to implement them. He will never answer that he can't make it, asking you only one question, "when are we leaving?"
You may find him at the airport, leaning against his "battered by successive travels backpack," near the embassy, waiting, impatiently, to stick the coveted visa in his passport, or in a bookstore diligently studying another stack of maps.
You'll know it's him if, glancing over his shoulder, you see a wallpaper on his computer desktop with mountains, flags flying, or some other motif giving a "travel kick."

You may find him at the airport, leaning against his "battered by successive travels backpack," near the embassy, waiting, impatiently, to stick the coveted visa in his passport, or in a bookstore diligently studying another stack of maps.
You'll know it's him if, glancing over his shoulder, you see a wallpaper on his computer desktop with mountains, flags flying, or some other motif giving a "travel kick."
His "wall" on Facebook will drip with a succession of words written in broken English from people he has met on his journey. After all, when he travels he attracts hundreds of people to him, making amazing friendships in a matter of minutes, because he knows that the contacts will be priceless currency that he will exchange with another traveler, after all, he wants to see the whole world.
Buy him a pint of beer. When the traveler returns home everyone wants to hear his story. Let him draw a picture in your mind that will transport you to his world. He will probably talk fast, leaving out small details because he is incredibly excited to share his story with someone. Bet on his enthusiasm. Grab some for you.
He'll squeal like a little kid when he gets his hands on the latest issue of National Geographic. Later, he'll sit quietly, analyzing carefully, every photo, single trip and words spilled on paper. An image will appear in his mind where he places himself in those photographs.
He will not waste the opportunity to approach you and ask you about your biggest dreams and the most twisted things you have done in your life. Why don't you answer, even knowing that he will still win? Should it happen that you win, however, he won't get pissed or offended, he'll think about it and offer to take a trip together or do something incredibly crazy.
Date a guy who talks about inaccessible places and who has experienced on himself the roughness of stones, the smoothness of sand, salt water, balancing on the edge and a note of suffering. He will talk about it with passion and commitment. You will be able to hear his heart beating faster. You will be able to see the adrenaline rising around you. Eventually you will feel the blood in your veins begin to rush at a dangerous speed, looking into his wild and committed eyes, you will be transported into his world, you will want to go with him on one of his many journeys and experience it all for yourself.
Date a boy who needs less than others to achieve his full happiness. He has already lived in places where, instead of running water, the great hospitality of the local people flowed. In places where instead of wealth, and the amount of silver in the wallet, emotions and personality were the more valuable currency. He knows what life in luxury is like, but he has also experienced the extremes of poverty. Living without luxuries challenged him to fill his desire for relationships and being with loved ones, no matter which part of the world he was in, he realized that you don't need the latest car or an exuberant ego to "be here and now."
He experienced different ways of "being," tolerance for other religions, and respect. He saw the world from different perspectives-a five-year-old, a starving person, a curious person.
Your... father will be happy with him. Why? He can manage even the smallest budget and rationally manage the cash.
This boy leaves the warmth of home, the comfort of laziness, the safe refuge of the land of maternal meals and sets out into the unknown. Despite all the independence, he has time to reflect on himself, his friends and his relationships.
Despite the number of stamps in his passport, he is extremely attached to home. He gives himself a chance to miss his loved ones and for others to miss him. He knows very well the game called "farewells", entering the gate at the airport, he will be aware of how the return tastes.
Don't stop him! Let him leave, but why not join him? If you've never traveled, he'll be the one to open your eyes to the possibilities hidden in this vast world. He will give you a helping hand for the realization of your dreams, which you dreamed of when you were a child, but which you later put deep on the shelf of your mind, letting them cover themselves with the dust of oblivion. He will be both an adrenaline machine for you and a source of calm when you miss your connecting flight on the next flight.
He will experience, every moment together with you, because he wants to live his life to the fullest.
He understands that happiness is based on the moment, every moment is a string. So he tries to combine as many of them as possible, into a huge bundle of emotions.
However, he understands that you too have your own dreams and your list of goals. He understands that your list points may differ from his own, but exactly this independence will be the foundation of your relationship and mutual understanding.
You may lose him, just for a little while, but he will always come home, bringing with him a new story and souvenirs that he has been lugging around for thousands of miles, remembering only you, because he missed you, because something was missing!
Expect at the least expected moment a proposal to cross your comfort zone, to deny your sense of fear.
And when, years later, your grandchildren open the album of yellowed photos, an authentic tear will appear on your face, a symbol of the greatest happiness you could have received in life - meeting a traveler!
Date a boy who travels, because you deserve a life under the sign of adventure and new opportunities. You deserve this world to welcome you with open arms.
If you can't find it... travel. Dare. Discover the world for yourself, because dreams are meant to be realized in the end!